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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  January 7, 2010 4:30am-5:00am EST

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terror tactics. what went wrong? the government releases a preliminary report on the botched christmas day terrorist attack. health care haggling. negotiations behind closed doors, lawmakers say they're close to a final reform bill. and air chihuahua. some california small dogs in need of a home make to the big apple. this is the "cbs morning news" apple. this is the "cbs morning news" for thursday, january 7th, 2010. captioning funded by cbs good morning, everyone. thanks for joining us. i'm michelle gielan. today the white house plans to make public the preliminary report on the botched christmas day airline bombing. the suspect, a 23-year-old
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nigeri nigerian, was indicted yesterday and whit johnson is in washington with more. whit, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, the administration has spent nearly two weeks identifying flaws in our national security system. this report is expected to highlight key details and changes that can be made to prevent a future attack. the intelligence report on the botched bombing of flight 253 is expected to be blunt and honest. >> the review will simply identify and make recommendations as to what was lacking and what needs to be strengthened. >> reporter: it will apparently show where security present downs occurred allowing umar farouk abdulmutallab to allegedly board the u.s.-bound jetliner with hidden explosives. >> even though there was sufficient evidence out will to suggest that this individual was dangerous, nobody put the pieces together. >> reporter: in fact, u.s. border security reportedly didn't know about his alleged extremist ties until he was
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already in the air. according to the "los angeles times," authorities planned to question him when he landed, but by then, it was too late. president obama is also expected to demand additional changes to the nation's security system today. among them, more air marshalls and improved communication within the intelligence community. the case against the suspect is moving forward, as well. a six count indictment was handed down wednesday. and laid out the alleged plot in explicit detail. court papers charge abdulmutallab knowingly used and attempted to use a weapon of mass destruction, attempted to willfully destroy and wreck an aircraft, and attempted to murder 289 individuals by detonating the bomb. >> this as the president has described was a systemic nail you're. contract it's stilt unclear whether any officials will lose their job and instead of firing anyone today, the president will be more focused on fixing the system. though the report has been
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declassified and will be made public later today, some key details of the botched attack have been removed for security reasons. michelle? >> and, whit, we're getting new reports this morning on the alleged terror ties to yemen of the suspect. what's happening there? >> reporter: this is just coming down. we're hearing reuters is reporting that a senior official is saying the abdulmutallab, the suspect, actually met face to face with an american born cleric named anwar al awlaki. it's long been suspected they actually -- they're saying they met face to face in yemen. it's been suspected among the intelligence community that the two had some sort of contact along the way, but this is the first time that we're getting information that they perhaps have met face to face. it also highlights the influence that the complain of yemen has on this entire case and the war against al qaeda that's happening right now. >> all right, interesting developments.
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whit johnson in washington. whirt, thank you. a jetliner headed to hawaii was forced to turn around because of a disruptive passenger. but the fbi says there's no known terrorism link. the hawaiian airlines jet was about 90 minutes in to the flight from portland, oregon yesterday when the pilot turned back. two f 15 filers accompanied the jet. a passenger who had made threatening remarks and refused to store carry-on bags was removed. the 767 resumed its flight. federal prosecutors are investigating. surveillance video showing that security breach at newark airport on sunday is expected to be released this morning. the video from continental airlines shows a man following a woman stepping under a rope in to the terminal without passing through security. a security officer standing nearby missed the whole thing. now to the dangerously cold weather system that's gripped the nation. forecasters say it will get worse before it gets better. an interstate near rapid city, south dakota, was closed because
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of whiteout conditions on wednesday. more snow and subfreezing temperatures are expected in the midwest and deep into the south. farmers in florida are trying to salvage citrus crops. at least six deaths are blamed on the weather. speaker of the house nancy pelosi says negotiations are, quote, very close to reconciling the different health care reform bills from the house and senate. but we'll have to take her word for it. that's because the negotiations are secret. something candidate obama said would not happen had his administration. chip reid reports. >> reporter: the house and senate plan to put together the final health care reform bill behind closed doors according to an agreement by top democrats and the white house. >> the president wants to get a will to his desk as quickly as possible. >> reporter: during the campaign, though, candidate obama -- >> we'll have the negotiations televised on c-span. >> reporter: repeatedly promised to put it all on tv. >> i'll have it done on c-span in front of a public.
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>> reporter: back when republicans controlled congress and george bush was in the white house, it was democrats who angrily complained about secret back room deals. now the roles are reversed. >> the negotiations are obviously being done in secret and the american people really just want to know what are they trying to height. >> reporter: even with no cameras and no republicans in the room, it will be a tall order for the house and senate to resolve their differences especially on abortion coverage and how to pay for health care reform. despite the difficulty, democrats in both houses say they hope to have the final health care bill on the president's desk ready for his signature in time for the state of the union address. that's less than four week away. chip reid, cbs news, the white house. a high ranking al qaeda leader says the attack on a cia base in afghanistan was an act of revenge. the suicide bomber killed seven cia employees. he was allowed on the base because the cia thought he would help them capture top al qaeda
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officials, with you he was apparently a double agent. on the cbs "moneywatch," asian stocks slipped this morning and emily smith is here in new york with that and more. hi, emily, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, most asian marketing fell day da. the nikkei dropped half a%, the happening sang 0.7%. that follow as mixed showing on wall street. where the dow gained a point. the. analyst predicts big winners will be discountsers and wholesale clubs with closing chains not fairing as well. december is crucial for the retail have i as it accounts for about 15% of annual sales. if you lost your local gm dealer to cut backs, look again. the arbitration process ordered by congress could bring hundreds of dealers back into the fold. more than 1300 much them lost their franchise as the company down sized last year. the numbers to be restored is not been set, but it's expected to be closer to 100 than to
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1,000. and actors can be pitch men, but president? look what turned up yesterday on a billboard in new york's times square. yes, it's president obama. the cloeth clothing company weatherproof used an ap photo of president in china for its ad, but white house officials say nobody asked them and now they're skpg the company to take that ad down. >> all right, emily split here in norg. thanks. just ahead on the "morning news," suspension for nba store gilbert arenas. plus, the fans honor entertainment's big he is stars in the people's choice awards. first, katie couric has a preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." >> across the nation, 12 million or about one-third of children and adolescents are overweight. but now new programs could help save them from a life of obesity. our special series, "where america stands," continues tonight only on the "cbs evening news." tonight only on the "cbs evening news." i couldn't believe i was actually having a heart attack. i remember being at the hospital, thinking about my wife.
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i should have done more to take care of myself. now i'm exercising, watching my diet, and i trust my heart to lipitor. (announcer) unlike some other cholesterol lowering medications, lipitor is fda approved to reduce e risk of heart attack, stroke and certain kinds of heart surgeries in patients with several common risk factors or heart disease. lipitor is backed by over 17 years of research. lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. i'll never forget what i went through. don't take your heal for granted. (announcer) have a heart to heart with your doctor about your risk. and about lipitor.
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vegetables are naturally low in calories. v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings. it's a tasty, nutritious way to make this number go up... and help this one go down. v8. what's your number? her work in "speed
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sandra bullock, winner of favorite move injury actress at last night's people's choice awards here on cbs. other top winners included johnny depp for favorite movie ak, to hugh jackman, love him, named favorite action star. and ellen degeneres took home the award for favorite talk show. the consumer electric trnices show opens today in las vegas. it's billed as the world's largest convention, 100,000 people and 20,000 new gadgets from tiny computers to giant 3d tvs. c net's natali del conte has preview. >> reporter: this year's consumer electronics show is sure to have plenty of new gizmos which is a big kapg from last year's event when manufacturers scaled back because of a slumping economy. >> always a good sign because that's sort of a forerun forean economic recovery once up these new sxiss on the market, it spurs consumers to loosen up their purse strings a little bit. >> reporter: like a flying saucer which you can control with your iphone. and, of course, computers are a big hit at ces, but they come in
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an assortment of flavors. for example, this new one is a cross about between a tablet pc and a notebook which is different than a net book and a smart book. if you're confused by all these new names for small and portable computer, you're not alone. >> it's sort of a blending of net book meets smart phone. i'm not sure if consumers know what to do about that. >> reporter: one of the biggest technologies this year is of course 3d. you do need the glasses. would this is one of the largest tvs that you can buy for your home. it's 82 inches. so this is really going to bring that content into your living room. not sure you're going to run out and buy this, it's a little bit and expensive right now, but, again, this is what's coming to you in the next couple of years. >> it's cool for a little bit, but my big question is can you lie side ways on the couch and still have the glasses on. >> reporter: you may not buy 3d technology just yet, but you can buy into another new strend, green technology. such as this charging device that charges all of your gadgets
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wirelessly. it will save power and also money which you'll warrant to save up for your 3d it t of that. natali del conte for cbs news, las vegas. in pro basketball, it's going to be a while before washington wizards guard gilbert arenas plays another nba game and it might be never. the nba star was suspended indefinitely after having guns in the wizards locker room. the nba commissioner says arenas, quote, is not currently fit to take the court in an nba game. straight ahead, your thursday morning weather. and in sports, lebron james puts on a show and shaq take as tumble for the hometown crowd.
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last year, my little guy got the flu... and it was bad. there's nothing more important than the ones you love, which is why now is the time to protect them and yourself. the h1n1 flu vaccine is available now at cvs/pharmacy and minuteclinic, the walk-in clinic inside select cvs/pharmacies. it's peak flu season, so don't risk it. get vaccinated for h1n1 flu today. to find a location near you, visit, or call... hi, i'm amy. i have a husband and two boys. that is three guys and a lot of laundry. i was given the bounce dryer bar, asked to use it, and answer a few questions. i noticed it was the original bounce smell, which was so great, because it's clean and fresh and it's just really light. and i just love it. to install the bounce dryer bar was so easy. just stick it and forget it. you don't have to remember the dryer sheet now. it's one more thing i don't have to think about,
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so i can, you know, wonder what my boys are up to. it's made all the difference in my laundry. i love it. here's a look at the weather in some cities around the country. new york, partly cloudy, 36. miami, 61. chicago, 18 degrees. denver, 12. los angeles, 72. and time now for a check on the national forecast. the latest satellite picture shows swirling clouds centered over the great lakes and midwest. and it's another clear and frosty morning across much of the southeast. later today fierce winds and bitter cold air will result in windchill readings of 25 to 40 degrees below zero across the upper midwest and great plains. two to four inches of snow will fall across the med west and ohio valley and it will remain warm in the southwest. in sports, the boston celtics stayeded cool and beat the heat in overtime.
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but it wasn't easy. miami's dwyane wade scored 44 points including a fourth quarter steal and jam that gave the heat a two point lead, but the sets tied it at 101 and in overtime, rondo put the game away as boston won it 112-106. in cleveland, shaquille o'neal had an early crash landing. but the cavaliers quickly got airborne against the wizards. later in the first quarter, lebron james lost control of the ball, but recovered to score. and lebron's flying circus continued in the third with a behind the back dumper as the cavs won it 121-98. and finally, it took nine years, but andre dawson was elected to baseball's hall of fame. in a 20 year career with the cubs and expos, dawson, nicknamed the hawk, hit 438 homers and nearly 1600 rbis. he'll be inducted into the hall in july. when we return, we'll take another look at this morning's top stories. and virtual battleground.
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we'll have a look at the army's high-tech training. this season, there are more reasons than ever... not to let your immune system become a statistic. support your immune system with patented ester-c. ester-c provides up to 24 hours of immune support. ester-c. the better vitamin c.
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on the "cbs morning news," here's a look at today's weather. howling winds along with bitterly cold temperatures will result in dangerously low windchill readings across the upper midwest and central plains. and it will be snowy from the great lakes to the tennessee valley. . hear's another look at this morning's top stories. today the obama administration release as report on the botched christmas day terrorist attack."los angeles times" reports securities it officials planned to question the alleged attacker when the plane landed. and another shot of arctic air is expected to bring bitterly cold temperatures and snow to the midwest and deep south. the deep freeze is expected to last through the weekend. fighting the wars in afghanistan and iraq is an ever changing operation. for u.s. forces, that means
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training with the latest technology on battle an enemy that constantly employs new tactics. david martin reports. >> reporter: the army is trying to train soldiers to adapt to the enemy's latest tactics before they ever get to the battlefield. and to do that, it has turned to an unlikely source, the entertainment industry. >> what does hollywood have to teach the u.s. army about war? >> well, hollywood brings an ability to help us simulate reality. >> reporter: first the battlefield, everything from video taken by spy drones, to the chemical composition of the latest roadside bomb, is brought into this operations center located of all places in a mall outside colonial williamsburg. it's where the army tries to capture all the complexities and dilemmas of combat and turn them into real world training for troops on their way to iraq and afghanistan. terror bites of dat are
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transformed into computer simulations, a no nonsense version of the video games today's soldiers gru up playing. that's just the beginning of what the army has in mind. >> this is the next step in the -- in serious gaming. and that's to take a soldier and put him in the environment. and so in this case, you're in a humvee. >> reporter: the aim is to download these 3d simulation misto a warehouse big now hold an entire platoon of soldiers learn to go clear a village wherever the next war might be. good to go for a hollywood produced ride down a road in afghanistan. just like the real battlefield, the enemy can come at you in up expected ways. i don't know how close to the real thing that was, but it was very, very convincing and it takes you totally by surprise.
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sergeant, were you ready for that? >> i was not, sir. had no idea it was coming. >> reporter: the goal is to make a soldier's last day of training the same as his first day in combat. a very different kind of shock and awe. david martin, cbs news, fort monroe, virginia. and a special air lift for some california chihuahuas. 15 dogs from animal shelters were flown to new york from san francisco yesterday. it's part of a program to help the problem of chihuahua overpopulation in california shelters by flying the dogs to the east coast. animal adoption officials in new york say the dogs have a good chance of finding a home in the area. >> there's less space, there are more apartment dwellings and this is the type of dog that we get a demand for on a daily basis at the aspca. >> reporter: >> the puppies will be available for adoption next week. the program hopes to continue flying pets to area where is there's a chihuahua demands. and there's already supposedly a wait list. this morning on "the early show," we'll have more on the
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hottest gadgets at the ces show. i'm michelle gielan and this is the "cbs morning news." i'm 43 years old, i'm a firefighter. osteo bi-flex has helped me... not have crunchy knees, not have a stiff back. osteo bi-flex with the exclusive ingredient 5-loxin... shown to improve joint comfort within 7 days. osteo bi-flex gets me through the day. make that first step easier, with the nicoderm cq patch. nicoderm steps you down from nicotine gradually. doubling your chance for success. nicoderm cq. three steps, ten weeks and you're free.
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woman: in 1990, in severn, maryland, the daughter of a clergyman was discovered by a music industry insider while pumping gas at a service station. the odds of her getting signed and spending 11 weeks at #1 on the u.s. singles charts? 1 in 19 million. the odds of this former church choir singer going on to sell 40 million records? 1 in 15 million. the odds of the same woman winning 6 grammy awards and starring in two broadway plays? 1 in 75 million. the odds of this musician and performer having a child diagnosed with autism? 1 in 150.
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i'm toni braxton, and i encourage you to learn the signs of autism at early diagnosis can make a lifetime of difference. don't say that. that's not true. left-handed people are a little bit more creative. [laughter] i'm gonna say nothing. [telephone ringing] mom: you left-handed people are smart. they are, mom! do we have to eat that? dad, do you want me to get the phone? mom: no. announcer: every year, one million families face losing their homes to foreclosure. if you're ignoring your mortgage issues, things will only get worse. call 1-888-995-hope. because nothing is worse than doing nothing. good morning, i'm andrea roane. topping the news, the nba suspended wizard star gilbert arenas indefinitely and without
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pay. it appears that david stern decided arenas was not taking the gun incident seriously enough when he pointed his fingers to players during a game. the arenas story eclipsed the introduction of redskins head coach mike shanahan. he said he will have final decisions on players but plans to make moves in conjunction with general manager bruce allen. there will be no trial for the white supremist accused of opening fire last june. james von brunn dade at a prison medical facility in north carolina. howard bernstein is here and we are talking about snow maybe. >> winter weather advisory is in effect tonight into friday
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morning. it's for areas west of d.c. they may include us. but the timing for tomorrow morning's rush hour couldn't be worse. the clipper we are watching is vigorous as far as the upper energy. you can see the darker blue in illinois. that is moderate snow. around here we have clear skies overhead. teens in the mountains. 23 culpeper under the clear skies. 29 in winchester. clouds will be increasing. could be white snow by dark but the better chance for accumulating snow will be in the overnight period in time for the friday morning commute. quiet this morning with the commute. >> very quiet. happy to report no major incidents to kick off this thursday. let's keep it that way. 95 heading northbound north of dumfries delay free up to the springfield interchange. 395 moving at speed from the beltway to the bridge.
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270 checking out fine past 121. nice and quiet down to the split. the editors of prevention magazine recently singled out omega 3 fatty acid as some of the best stuff you can add to your diet. fish like salmon are good sources. >> reporter: deborah hartsville is mixing up a smoothy. her secret ingredient, flaxseed. >> it's loaded with omega 3, help you with weight loss, anti- inflammatory properties and it's good. >> reporter: this fiber and protein rich grain is pretty affordable. a family size bag costs about 10 bucks. if used daily, lost for three
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months. it can be sprinkled on cereal, pasta and, yes, mixed into smoothies. >> reporter: hartsville says you can even use the slightly nutty tasting grain as a substitute for oil or eggs in baking like this corn bread recipe. cream corn makes it extra moist. >> one box of cornmeal. >> reporter: we are not making it from scratch? she adds in sour cream, melted butter and flaxseed. cooks for 45 minutes and this finished dish. >> it won't take the flavor away from your cookies and baked goods. it will add flavor. >> reporter: anita brikman for 9news now and >> the smoothie and the recipes


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